Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Monday, February 23, 2009

There are no fussy eaters

I was in the grocery store yesterday and watching the other customers fill there carts made me think of this. I watched one person with their child put two large bags of fries, hot dogs, mac and cheese, pop, pizzas and so on. No veggies, fruits, or non-processed meats. I know the reason for this is that the child is a fussy eater so they feed them what they feel the child wants. But there are no fussy kids there are kids that have been enabled. We know several families where the parents always make separate meals for the kids because they will not eat anything else. These parents have enabled their children to do this. This is just one symptom of the enabled child. If you notice the fussy kid will also cry when they want something knowing that the parent will cave and when they get older they will show no respect for there parents. One of my youngest daughters friend walks all over her farther. He came to get her one night and I was playing a game and I knew my daughter and her friend were talking at the front door. I went over to see what was going and noticed that her father was in the car waiting. I said your fathers here. Her response was " he can wait." I was flabbergasted at a 9 year old saying her dad could wait. Well I do not take any guff. i told her how rude that was and that her father is here it is time for her to go and she really should apologise to her father for making him wait. 

How do you correct this? You need to take control of the situation. Your children do not run your life you control and mold your children's life. We adopted a brother and sister. They were 4 and 5 when they moved in and they had been in foster care for about a year. They where in a family of alcoholics who did not feed them much so they had food issues. The foster family enabled them and feed them what ever they wanted and let them do alot of what ever they wanted. When they moved in with us they would not eat what we made. We were concerned at first about holding food back from them since they did not have much food in there life till then. we talked to our doctor and he advised us that as long as we have food available at all times they will not starve. He told us our home is not a restaurant. if they do not eat supper they do not have to stay at the table but save the meal and feed it to them for breakfast. After two meals served this way they eat everything we serve. They now have developed a great taste for different foods. The menu has expanded from peperoni pizza, spaghetti, and chicken fingers to butter chicken, rice bryanni, pork roast, and eggplant parmigiana. We have a rule that they have to try every thing once. One of the other things they enabled was the brother would have fits if he did not get his way. The second month he was with us he went to his room and just started throwing everything into hall way and screaming. I left him for 5 to 10 minutes then I went up there told him to stop and that this behaviour was improper. He then had to clean and put everything back to where it belonged. He then was grounded for a day because of his behaviour. he never did it again. 

If we did not enable our kids they would not be fussy. If the parents do not prevent this enabling then later in life they will have trouble fitting in with the rest of society

This was my point of view.